Hi guys, Im from south Wales. just wondering if anyone on here knows of where i can get hold of hornworms, silk worms etc. none of the reptile/pet shops around me stock them. thanks guys
Hi there, hornworms are illegal in the u.k but you can get silkworms from www.silkwormstore.co.uk
He's great, very helpful, there's lots of articles about care and feeding and raising your own, also check Remkon's silkworm care sheet on this forum,
It's rare that a local reptile shop around here has silks regulary for sale so I always order mine online, he also sells butterworms, other that that my go to online ordering for livefood is usually www.onlinereptileshop.co.uk very good prices and I've always found excellent service.
Good luck.
Hi there, I think it's because it's a species that could survive here and thus become a threat to our tomato industry as its their food plant. Pity as they look so yummy, I would like to try and raise another similar species, like hawkmoth larvae or something, I think I'll stick to silkworms. Tom at the silkworm store is very helpful if you need to ask anything , my first lot I bought was the colony, you get young silkworms, a container and enough ready made chow to feed them through, it was a good way to dip your toe into finding out whether you want to keep them again,
Good luck.