UK members..


New Member
Does anybody in the UK get silkworms at a relatively cheap price?
I have looked at a few places but they are charging quite alot for a tub!

I bought wax worms for my panther but he doesn't seem interested in them yet so was hoping to get some silkworms to see if he would like those instead.

There are a few places, but sadly, silkies are not readily available in the UK. Plus they are not a cheap feeder option, as you have found out! I have bought from and also from a seller named 'silikies4u' on ebay. There is also a new website selling micros and eggs at the moment - Silkworm chow is also quite expensive. My chams love them but I haven't been able to get any for a while now! I think the cheapest way would be to buy some and raise them so that you could breed your own, but I don't think that is as easy as it sounds either! Silkies need to be kept really clean and fed the right food.

Have you considered Phoenix Worms, Pachnoda grubs or roaches?
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