UK Supplements


New Member
I have been using Komodo Premium Insect dusting power but I have read that this not the best thing to use ?
I went to a Reptile Expo show today & they all said that the product that they were selling was the best (As they would :rolleyes:) but in the process confused me more. :confused:
I have decided to use Nutrobal & what ever goes with it ? & how often ?
I mostly use Locust as these are more user friendly if thats makes any difference to my above question ?
if nutrobal is a multivitamin, twice a month.

You need a calcium w/o D3 supplement (Miner-al o, or Rep Cal w/o D3) For almost every bug.

I hope this helps!

Thanks , but the Rep Cal isnt available here.
I have read people use "calypso calcium) but I think its changed its name to komodo ? Because I have been told so many different variations I unsure what to use. I will stick with the Komodo all in one stuff for the mo untill I find out different.
I use Calypso Calcium powder and nutrobal. The breeder I got Hugo from said he uses Nutrobal at every feeding, but I thought this might be too much, so I alternate each feeding bewteen the Calypso and the Nutrobal.
Did the breeder use Nutrobal only ?
Do you dust every feed ?

He said that he did, and that's what he recommended, but I know when I mentioned that on here a few people had issues with it. I do try to dust at most feedings (depends on whether or not he ends up with dust round the nose), but they are light dustings, and like I said, i alternate betwen the two. I did list all the ingrediants in th eNutrobal, but not sure how the amounts differ to that used in the US.
The breeder I got Amy from was only using Nutrabol too, but knowing that too many vitamins can also cause problems I switched her to Calypso plain calcium. Nutrabol contains vitamins, D3 and calcium. Currently I am using Calypso 5x a week and Nutrabol once a week.
Tiff, did Amy come from Marcus Langford too? When Hugo was younger i would do Calypso three times a week, Nutrobal twice a week and the rest of the week the feeders weren't dusted.
Tiff, did Amy come from Marcus Langford too? When Hugo was younger i would do Calypso three times a week, Nutrobal twice a week and the rest of the week the feeders weren't dusted.

No, it was Lily that came from Marcus via the shop. I collected Amy from a private breeder in Portsmouth.
I am really looking in to this now ! I have spoken to a great many people & most have there own opinion & dont seem to want to know any different :confused: I also have surfed the net for info too.
I will tell of my findings at the weekend as I am back to work tomorrow, Im going to talk to a breeder who has bred chameleons for years & someone who has a very old Chameleon.
I will gather all the info & hopefully come up with a "happy medium" routine :)
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