Unhappy Chameleon?


New Member
I usually keep more desert reptiles, so I’m new to Chameleons. I know she needs a better enclosure, but this is all I had for the time being and I wanted to save her from the dreaded pet store she wasn’t looking the best when I got her. What can I do to make her more comfortable in the time being? She’s eating just fine, and drinking from her leaves, but she keeps turning so dark. Lights are on during the day, off at night. I have a humidifier next to her and make sure to spray down the leaves several times a day. She has several live plants in her enclosure and many places to hide and climb on. I know she needs a better UV light so I plan on getting that today, but is there anything else I need to do to make her happy?


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If you don’t have supplements, plain calcium without d3 every feeding and Repashy lod 2x per month. Make sure you do not get the compact uvb light. Get a linear T5 HO fixture with a 5% or 6% bulb.
Good luck with her. Are you sure it’s a girl? If It does not have a tarsul spur on the back of the back foot, it’s a girl, and you will need to prepare a laybin at around 6mos. We can help with the bin if you’re unsure as well.
You may know some of this but just wanted to mention . Welcome to the forum!!!! There’s a lot of great people here. 😊 Ask as many questions you need and share lots of pics.
Hi and welcome. To repeat, correct uvb is non negotiable…linear T5 with ReptiSun 5.0 or Arcadia 6%. Avoid discount bulbs…they don’t give adequate output. Once you get the correct one, the distance between basking area and light needs to be 8-9” for ideal levels. Max basking temp now is 80F. Baby looks quite thin and young…my guess is maybe 2 months old. He/she should be getting as much as can be eaten in a 15-20 minute period twice daily. Make sure feeders are small enough - smaller than the space between the eyes. Careful with humidity. No fogger during the day and only at night provided temps get below 68F. Ideal daytime humidity is between 30-50%. Live plants only are best as veileds will eat them. Little ones like to walk upside down in the screen top, so to prevent burns you’ll need to raise the lights a few inches above the screen. Baby’s likely turning dark to better absorb heat and/or uvb. Best source for current and correct standards is https://chameleonacademy.com/chameleon-husbandry-program-getting-started-with-chameleons/ or Neptune the chameleon on YouTube. Neptune has also partnered with Pangea and put together an awesome kit. https://www.pangeareptile.com/colle...tarter-chameleon-kit-by-neptune-the-chameleon Do ask whatever questions you have. We enjoy helping. :)
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