Unique feeders. Any Advice?


New Member
Well, every now and then i find a moth or two in the house and my veils seem to love them, if what i've been told is true, moths are generally clean versus butterflies that can be toxic and diseased.

Carpenter Ants, We have a nasty hoard or these little brats, and the only major concern i would have is that they bite. Any input on if those can be fed.

Any other good wild caught feeders? its super warm out (yesterday Concord NH was in the 90's) and i'm lookin to vary up the diet, what about damsel flies, dragon flies, and other such insects.

Thanks everyone!
Considering the notion that carpenter ants in houses live in/around wood that may or may not have been sprayed with pesticide and anti-fungal agents (not to mention processing agents at the sawmill) I would probably say avoid those guys.
Even though I am pretty sure some chams gut contents have had ants in them, I wouldnt feed any ants around here on purpose. Who knows how they differ in their native land.

Moths of all kinds are great!! You can set up traps for those and other flying insects. Todnedo has a good thread about making the traps. Just search through his old threads to find it. Lots of butterflies can be fed too. Just stay away from the colorful ones and you will be fine.

Other insects I will feed that are easily found around the summer time are grasshoppers but not lubbers. Make sure you identify if its a hopper or lubber. I also feed multiple species of spiders. Just use caution and not feed off ones that are too big and there shouldnt be a problem. Katydids, cicadas, mantis and other insects of that nature are fine too.

Just make sure they are collected from a pesticide free area and that the insect isnt toxic or doesnt feed of something toxic. If worried about pesticides just keep the insects in a cage or tub for a couple days. If they came in contact with pesticides they should die off rather quickly.
Sweetness, I'm thinking about going out with a spotlight and a net and catching moths tonight. haha

thanks for the advice, good point by the way about the carpenter ants.

Thank you both! Any other advice or ideas??
They might even like blue bottle flies. It will be smaller items for a full grown veiled as opposed to what species I would feed them to. I keep the smaller stuff;) But, the flies are super cheap and super easy to care for and would probably drive even the biggest chameleon insane!!! They will feed on fruits, honey and bee pollen. I would dust them with spirulina powder to add a little more nutrition also.
we are getting close to the season where lightning bugs are everywhere and easy to catch. Any harm in feeding them to a cham?

YES!!!!!!!! Do not feed lightning bugs!!! Do not feed lady bugs either!! Anything brightly colored is pretty much a no go. Tis the season for all kinds of small insects. Wolf spiders will be very abundant right now.
Do like I do and when you go on a hike, away from the hustle and bustle of society, take a bunch of 16 oz plastic cups and various lids (solid, poly fiber, and aluminum mesh) and a backpack with you, and bag up anything that interests you along the way. Come home, get on the internet, and see what you can do with them :)

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