Unsual Behavior


New Member
Hello, I have had my male veiled chameleon for about 6 months now. He is 8 months old. Recently, I had to transport him for about an hour car ride to my new home. After I got his habitat set up he has been acting very strange. Firstly, he is very weary of anybody that walks by him, he will try to hide behind a branch or a tree. In the evening for the past two days he has been hiding on the ground under a tree, he is very hard to see under there, but it does not appear that he is lying on the ground, he is just standing there for a maybe an hour at a time. Tonight, i noticed he is sleeping on the side of the cage with his head resting on the ground. He seems to be eating and drinking a little less than usual. Are these really bad signs or was he just stressed from the car ride?
He is growing up- this is very difficult age for a veiled guy, that's why he goes crazy. I'd say he is in puberty.
The sleeping possitions has already been discussed here and we all agreed on the chams are just unbelievable in this way :)
It's nothing strange to see a cham get stressed after being moved into a new enclosure or even if his current setup is moved to a new room/house. Give him time and he should come around. It's also not uncommon for them to go off of food during their reacclimation period. As long as he is drinking there isn't much to worry about.
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