Update on my little guy / reptifogger question

g schrock

New Member
Its been a week, and i wanted to thank everybody for their inputs. he is doing great, eating well (ill watch him eat 6-8 crickets a day and the others that i leave in are gone later) he has grown over .5" this week alone, has graduated from pinhead crickets to smalls (even though some smalls are too big for him still) and he is pooping well. and yes they are gut-loaded with mostly orange, carat and kale this week. My humidity has been easier to keep up than i thought, and has been ranging from 20-80% (i live in phoenix) so ive been misting 4-6 times a day. overall he seems in great health and his hunting ability vastly surprises me. i still have one thing thats happening and im hoping someone can help me:
my reptifogger's fog keeps condensing on the top of the screen where it sits, is the only way to fix this by cutting a hole in the top?
How much is it condensing? All the fog or some of it?

My suggestion would be cut a hole in the screen, then put a plastic ring in place, some sort of feed through thing, PVC piping, or wax if you can to cover up the pokiness.
just some of it, but enough to block more from falling down, i was pretty sure the only way of fixing this was to find my wire snips >< im gonna stop by a home depot and see about some pvc and a ring to make a seal. i would just bend all the edges up to avoid the pokiness.
Bending would work too, I just prefer to cover them with something so they don't snag on the PVC or anything. Then again I didn't use wire snips I used a my caribiner knife that I had on me. You'll probably have more luck/better work than I did :eek:
just some of it, but enough to block more from falling down, i was pretty sure the only way of fixing this was to find my wire snips >< im gonna stop by a home depot and see about some pvc and a ring to make a seal. i would just bend all the edges up to avoid the pokiness.

a quick run around with a hot glue gun is a fast and easy fix and probably the safest option.

my viv has a really fine mesh in the top so i had to cut a hole in the top to let more heat through from the basking lamp.what i did was take the spare pipe i got with the dripper and cut it down the middle lengthways and wrap it around the cut screen,tied with cable ties
You can also use a ball point pen to widen the holes in the top of the cage slightly. :) That always worked for me, you just widen 2 or 3 holes and they end up too big for the water tension to keep the water from falling, but not so big that crickets etc can escape.

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