Update: PeekaBoo was put down today!!!


New Member
This is a strange scenario. This was my 8 mo old female veiled cham that i thought was egg bound because of all her digging. She would dig and dig and put her put in the hole and cover it up and NO eggs. Anyway, she didn't even have any eggs!!! She had 2 broken legs! We believe that she broke 1 last night because she actually fell 2 x from her perch. But the vet believed that it was the pain from the first broken leg that stopped her from eating. Of course then she started digging, so i assumed she was going to lay an infertile clutch. I can't believe we missed the broken leg. I have no idea how it happened, we never saw her fall and her grip was still pretty good. The vet felt with everything considering her chances of survival were not good and she was in a lot of pain so we decided to end her suffering. Sniffle, sniffle. When we brought her home , my hubby did a necropsy on her and no eggs, no parasites, just the broken legs. Has anyone ever come across this? With a female that isn't gravid, but thinks she is and does all that stuff?

I am sorry.

Debby, I am sorry for your loss. It is hard, I know, but, you didnt do anything wrong. Sometimes, Chameleons fall, it is hard to believe, but it happens. PeekaBoo, must have fallen and broke a leg, and then it all started to pile up after that. You have so many good looking Chaemeleons that you clearly are taking good care of. Get another one to replace her, and name her, PeekaBoo Two!
Thanks Arrow. But it is so hard. I feel i should have noticed something like that. That is why i asked my hubby to do the necropsy. I wanted to see if we could see anything else. We couldn't do a fecal because she hadn;t eaten so she didn't poop. I thought she might have picked up parasites from somewhere, but all my other guys get the same stuff and they are all fine. And yes, we will get another one. We will be vending at the Manchester NH repitle expo april 5th and maybe i will be lucky enough to find one there.

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