Urgent help


New Member
hi, i am in dire need. my brother got an one week old jackson, and of course he is really small. and i am in trouble. the reason i am having a troublesome time with the chameleon, is because i live in Puerto Rico. In Puerto Rico Chameleons are rare, so acquiring the required items is hard. i have been in 7 pet-shops and all i could get was the uvb lamp, no pet-shop sells anything for chameleon because no one has chameleons. and if i order anything, it would take at least one week and a half no matter how much you pay for express mail. i was going to get ready by getting a list of things and ordering them so once the items arrived i would then order the chameleon. since my little brother bought one from someone, i have no clue as to whom ( which i would like to meet for for being such an irresponsible breeder, i mean 1 week old) , it was counter my plan.never the less i really need a list of food i need to get and the web sites. right now he is eating really small worms that comes out of fruits when left to rot ( on porpuse)
If you have access to fruit flies or pinheads (super small crickets) that would be best for him. You need to mist him/her frequently.

Perhaps you can find a nest of baby spiders hatching.

Do you need a list of resources for these types of food?

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Good luck with him.
there nothing the matter with using wild ff larvae and i would get several small dishes of rotten bananas going so you have plenty , soon you will have ffs as well , i would also look out in the garden through the bushes for any tiny harmless looking insects you can collect, if you have wild crickets there you could produce your own pinheads in as little as two weeks(see you tube for how to) which i realize is an eternity for a jackson neonate, if you feel comfortable leaving it outside for the night you can leave its open top container (setup in such a way that it cant get out of course )about 6'' under a outside light and let it feed off of the tiny bugs it attracts, if you dont feel comfortable doing that then you can do your best to colect them under the lights yourself, also i would avoid any substrate but you might want to cut a piece of towel to fit the bottom of its container this will help stabilize and keep humidity up keep humidity, i would spray that and any plants/ climbing structure at least 6x a day,you might want to look in my public album entitled "welcome to the jungle to see how i had my neonates set up , the thing that worries me the most is your uvb lamp, if it is one of the screw in cfl types i would not use it unless it is one of the newer updated models (see dave weldons post on uvb cfl updates the date with the lamp should read 03-09 or later, if not i would not use the lamp or use it at a considerable distance (say 2'+) if your lamp is not suitable, just getting him outside for a hr a day should be plenty you will need to mist freaquently to keep temps under control, be careful not to exceed 82* if possible he would still get uvb even if in the shade , if you could do that then you dont even need a cfl if you can try to dust at least some of his insects at least once with some calcium and if available at least one dusting of herptivite or reptile multivitamins , if available you could use sandfire chameleon dust as a single product. you could try to get insects delivered i would try the mantisplace.com or flycafe.net, you might also wabnt to google local suppliers or herp forums , anything herp snake or frog related there must be local herp/snake/frog keepers and they could probably help you more than we can you might want to checkout the dart frog forums(especially local ones) i think some of them (frogs)come from puerto rico and some members may know of, or have connections in puerto rico, it might not be a bad idea to post an image or email me one directly, if you feel i can be of any help feel free to pm me directly, good luck any please keep everyone posted , in the meantime i will look for resources in puerto rico , so check back often
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