New Member
Chameleon Info:
Cage Info:
Current Problem - I think she may have aspirated some of the calcium drops. She was doing really well all week. On Thursday I noticed some bubbles when giving her the drops. I thought it was just from the drops. Yesterday when k came home from work she was on the screen with her mouth open gaping. When I hold her I feel the crackling breathing. I have called all of the vets in my area. No one takes exotics on a weekend. I have a picture of the antibiotic prescribed when I first got her and she was already sick. I have called several pharmacy's as I work in healthcare and can't even find this medication. Please help.
- Your Chameleon - veiled chameleon, female, I have had her for 4 months
- Handling - i have been taking her out 2x daily to give her calcium drops prescribed by vet.
- Feeding - I order nutrigrub and calcigrub black soldier fly larvae, I have bunks and small crickets. I use Mazuri gut load
- Supplements - calcium without vitamin D daily, calcium with vitamin D and Vitamin A in the 1st and 15th of the month
- Watering - i have a drip system and a mistking
- Fecal Description - recent fecal deposits were runny with a lot of liquid
- History - she was acting strange a week ago. I took her to the vet and he took an X-ray. He said she had GI inflammation and gave her a dose of metronidazole and prescribed calcium drops as her bone density looked low in the X-ray and and low calcium could cause slow GI movement. I have been giving her Calcium drops twice daily for one week.
Cage Info:
- Cage Type - XL Reptibreeze screen enclosure
- Lighting - t5HO hood with zoomed 10.0 uvb and a grow light I need to check the brand, but it was recommended by a chameleon group
- Temperature - 75 during the day. 67 at night
- Humidity - i live in South Carolina humidity has been very high. I have tried to keep it down in her room, but it has been 60-75%
- Plants - live plants from your plant list
- Placement - she is in a room by herself and the bottom of her enclosure is 3 1/5 Ct off the floor
- Location - Lexington, SC
Current Problem - I think she may have aspirated some of the calcium drops. She was doing really well all week. On Thursday I noticed some bubbles when giving her the drops. I thought it was just from the drops. Yesterday when k came home from work she was on the screen with her mouth open gaping. When I hold her I feel the crackling breathing. I have called all of the vets in my area. No one takes exotics on a weekend. I have a picture of the antibiotic prescribed when I first got her and she was already sick. I have called several pharmacy's as I work in healthcare and can't even find this medication. Please help.
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