Usambara Pitted Pygmy Chameleon


Established Member
i cant find any info on their care and if possible some personal experience advice

p.s. would it be suitable as a beginner pygmy and could it be kept in groups?
Are we talking about Rhampholeon temporalis ? If yes, they are not very difficult to care for. Have you kept chameleons before ?
If not I can't advise you to keep them in groups. As a beginner it's always better to keep chameleons single or in pairs, depends on the species.
i have kept chameleons but never pygmy and yes it is Rhampholeon temporalis

i know alot about bearded pygmy care and would like to know if their care is similiar and if not i would like to know the differences
You can use the same planted enclosure set-up for the Rhampholeon temporalis as the Rieppeleon brevicaudatus. The only difference I've found is the temporalis are very intolerant of higher temperatures and will perish during temperature spikes. Considering your location I wouldn't say the temporalis would be your best choice. A good captive bred R. brevicaudatus are very hardy and a better choice for your first pygmy species.
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