utube/melleri eats rat pup?


New Member
that was a sight to see any one here seen this? i was just wondering are mice a natural part of a chameleon diet? i was not planning on feeding my panther cham any rodents. i don't really want to either. id rather let my snakes have the rodents. but are they used for gaining wait,getting them to eat,or what?
also that was a disturbing video, some people do this because it happens in the wild but imo your cham is better off without a fatty diet and better off sticking to proteins
I know that in the wild larger species like oustalets, meller's and parson's eat small rodents and even small birds!! so i dunno panthers not sure if i would feed em that if anything mayyyybbbbeee just a really small baby mouse like once every like 4 months.
I ordered a small pinky for when my female layed. I cant get her to eat anything other than crickets and hornworms so my male got it! He gets a pinky maybe 2-3 times a year. He loves them. I once thought he was impacted because of one, but he wasn't :) Whenever I feed pinkys I just make sure they are still pooing normally to make sure they arn't impacted.
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