UVB again...


New Member

I've got a reptibreeze cage 18x18x36 which is a fine black mesh. When I went along to my pet store yesterday to say hello to my little reserved yemen girl (not being collected until saturday but I can't keep away!!) I was discussing UVB requirements with shop owner. I told her I'd bought a 5.0 UVB light which would hang above the enclosure but she said that the mesh of the cage effectively cuts out half of the UVB so I should be getting a 10 UVB light :confused:

So much different advice, any opinions from here please??
get a 5.0

a 10.0 is too much, unless you got a very bog cage, or free range

i think the person was just trying to get a buck more from you imho
I us e a10.0 with both my yemen and panther. I think yemens should have a 10.0 even if the uv is inside the cage but i use them both outside mesh so use a 10.0
HA! You see what I mean! So many different opinions :D. The lady in the pet shop definitely not trying to make money out of me. She's really sensible and full of great advice normally. For example I wanted to get 2 chams for the one cage and she told me no way and would only sell me the one.

Do you know what, I'm going to split the difference and get a 5.0 and a 2.0 UVB and run them together to start with, see how she reacts, how the plants cope and adapt from there. Thanks for all the help. :)
I use the 5.0 as the majority of us do, with no problems. Lay the hood right on top of the screen. They don't really get hot.
I use the 5.0 as the majority of us do, with no problems. Lay the hood right on top of the screen. They don't really get hot.

My reptisun 5.0 gets really hot, like hot to the touch, but it doesn't come into contact with my screen and after 2 weeks of running it the screen hasn't melted or anything.

Do you think it's the fact that I am using more of a kitchen light fixture?
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