Variety and Quantity, Summer 2009


Chameleon Enthusiast
Just an information sharing post.

I track what I feed my chameleons on a daily basis. I decided to make a graphic chart of what I offered this summer (June - Sept). If you're interested you can see it in this blog entry:

Averaged out, each chameleon got about 62 bugs a month, or about 2 bugs daily (I actually feed them most days, but not every day). This was made up of about 14 different types of bugs each month, but primarily only 8 (if I count roaches as single category, rather than separate out having three types). On average for a month, 15 crickets were eaten, 8 superworms, 8 stick insects, 7 silkworms, 7 butterworms, 5 mealworms, 4 terrestrial isopods, and 4 roaches (of varying types). Grasshoppers, moths, hornworms, waxworms, and mantis were given to them less.

In previous months, prior to this summer, the average daily intake was 3-4 bugs. So, turns out I fed my chameleons a little less this summer than I had in the preceeding seasons or last summer. Possibly this is partly due to my taking several vacations and pet sitters being asked to do only the bare minimum. The reduced intake this summer has had no noticable ill effect. Though I do intend to bump up the feeding amounts now that I know there has been a dip.
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That's very interesting! It just shows how useful the keeping of records is. I keep a record of everything Amy eats and when she poops, etc. I also note anything odd or different in her behaviour. I did this with Lily too, and it is such a useful tool to look back on, eg, when gravid, how many days she didn't eat for, etc. I have referred back to these records many times and have been so glad that I kept them up to date!
All the data is on paper rather than computer. I devised a form that I fill out - one page has 7 identical tables onto which I write the information over the course of the week.
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