

Established Member
Hi guys,

I have tried searching the forum already but can't find a specific answer to what I'm looking for. Before we get our cham I was wondering do they also eat veggies or fruit's. The guy we are getting it from said they only eat live food such as crickets etc but I think they may eat leaves of some sort or some fruit as I know they like Kale. Can somebody help please!! What do you feed your cham's?
What kind of chameleon is it?

Veileds are generally the only chams that will consume vegetation. They like veggies and some fruits in addition to a well gutloaded and varied insect based diet. Kale, endive, romaine and green leaf lettuce, escarole, squash slices, strawberries, orange slices, carrot slices, cilantro, watercress, collard greens and apple slices are just a few of the fruits and vegetables you can offer. You will usually just clip them to a main "highway" branch in the cage with a chip clip or clothespin. Most veileds will instinctively go for the food while the rare few will ignore it, preferring to munch on their plants, and others will not eat any vegetation at all. They all have their own tastes.

Other species of chams don't really go for veggies and fruits; they get all they want and need from properly gutloaded insects.
Thanks for that. He is a Veiled yes. Not getting him until a few weeks so I'll try giving some veggies and see what happens. =D
I'll definately be posting photo's. He's just 5 weeks at the moment. Sooo small lol. I'm a little worried now though because I've heard they are quite aggressive from some of the other posts. Do you have a veiled Kenya?
I have had several veileds, most of them being rescues. No chameleon is a "take out and play with" pet, but yes, veileds can have some particularly nasty temperaments. They tend to grow into them around the 7 month mark or so. Don't take it personally- they are wonderful display animals, but humans are quite scary when you are their size and a person is invading your territory.
I'll definately be posting photo's. He's just 5 weeks at the moment. Sooo small lol. I'm a little worried now though because I've heard they are quite aggressive from some of the other posts. Do you have a veiled Kenya?

Our male veiled has always been wary of us, and at the 4 month old mark started to become very aggressive. He is now 6 months, and will have the occasional day where he will climb out onto us for 5 mins, then go back in, but it's always on his terms. There are still days he will come at us if he is not in the right mood! Amazing animal though, wouldn't change him for the world!
Out of all of my chameleons only one female Veiled even ate her Pothos-no one else is interested in veggies or fruits of any kind.
Thanks for your help guys. At least we know what to feed him with regards to fruit and veg. If he doesn't eat them that's up to him hehe.
With my Veiled he will eat anything green from a bowl that i put up high in the branches. Anything non-green now gets added to the crickets bellys!
Our beardie is hilarious. Do you have any other's Kenya?

Do I have any other's what?

Do you mean reptiles/amphibians? Besides the chams, I have a beardie, two corn snakes, a rough green snake, a poison dart frog (tinc.), two white's tree frogs, three crested geckos, two Russian legless lizards, a Russian tortoise, a baby leopard gecko (recently given to me in bad shape but is recovering) and that isn't counting all of the fish, birds, and furry things around here (and insect colonies!). You could say that I am busy. :rolleyes:
Wow that's a lot. How the hell do you afford it all!?!?

Ha, I have two jobs that support this habit. To cut costs, I get cheap supplies from in bulk when I have the money and I raise my own feeder insects. I get free gutload supplies from my job at the local natural foods co-op via the free culled produce bin. I can bring home several pounds of organic produce a day for the bugs (and any veggie eating herps). I make my own accessories when possible and am currently making this for my beardie. I try to buy supplies from reptile shows when I can, and I buy cages that are in good condition but used and then sanitize the crap out of them (literally?)

Basically, I work hard and try to be resourceful.
Fruit and veggies

I would like to know if maybe i should put the veggies and fruits in a sepreate dish from the worms? I have a baby veiled chameleon and i would like to know if anyone can list a few of the different veggies and fruit they eat. Please and thank you.
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