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So at the moment I don't give my guy any fruit or veg & I was wondering if this is an important part of their diet? I imagine it would add some extra vitamins and minerals. My pet shop sell a mix of dry petals for reptiles, would that work? There's a hibicus flower in with him but he looks at it as though it might swallow him whole! Also, how would he eat it? I'm guessing they wouldn't shoot at it like they do with prey?
I try to vary the veg I use to gutload his feeders- using carrot, apple, kale, rocket & grapes.
I feed fruits and veggies in a small shallow bowl or hand feed. I cut the pieces into very small slivers. All my veiled like fruits and veggies and some of my panthers. :)
My veiled likes the stuff I make for gut loading, chopped greens and fruits, veggies.

I give him a spoon of it every few days.

He is very fond of blueberries, squash and all kinds of greens.
This may sound dumb but how would you feed them veg/fruit?
What methods work for people as I'm guessing they won't fire their tongue at it?
It's not required. I do feed my guy some collard greens every other day, you can get a lot for cheap. He loves them and also eats some of his pothos occasionally. As long as you gut load his insects with them, he's eating it. What goes in his bugs goes in him :D
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