Veil Online Health Check


Avid Member
Online Checkup

It’s going on two months with my Veil “Petri” and I would like to ask all of your opinions on his overall visual looks and health. I estimate him to be around 4-6 months old now and his body is about 4 inches long, shed twice and is growing fast. Petri is a good eater, 8-10 med crickets and 2-3 small Dubia roaches, but refuses worms. Poops look great...for a lizard.

I do have a slight concern, which is his colors. Petri is no longer a solid perky green as he was when a baby, he will now only turn that color while sleeping. I’m sure this is normal for his age, but would like to check up with everyone here and make sure he doesn’t look stressed. Here are picture of him and is new “relaxed” look. Can someone tell me at about what age will his colors really start showing? Thanks!


This picture below is a few weeks old.

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Color changing is normal. Looks like he could use a meal in the second pic, however they can flatten up when cameras are around. Get that boy some kimchi and an eggroll. :D. Better yet, BACON wrapped crickets. :D
Color changing is normal. Looks like he could use a meal in the second pic, however they can flatten up when cameras are around. Get that boy some kimchi and an eggroll. :D. Better yet, BACON wrapped crickets. :D

When someone measures my height, I always slightly lean up on my tippy toes and stretch my back upwards. I think Petri knew I was measuring him and was stretching out, he is normally a fat little lizard. I do deep fry his crickets and he likes his roaches sunny side up. :p
Veils are the worst at skinnying up. Like paper thin. (Humor note: remember now you started this one in my bacon thread: I met three brothers from the phillipines their first day in America. We were all around 12-16 years old. I brought them to my house to see how Americans live, since they had moved here to their grandparents. All three constantly started staring at my dog. I was ignorant at the time, as to why. So, I asked. They told me back home, my dog was dinner. :eek: They all quickly reassured me they had no interest, as it had always grossed them out. They were a bit snobby, so they fit right in with me. :) But from that point on, I learned friends from other cultures or races, make the best friends. Every time we were together it was nothing but classic stereotype cracks. When done with absolutely no malice or prejudice, they can make for close friends. I don't remember a lot of my teenage friends, but I do them. Man, we 4 had fun!)
Speaking of flattening, today I went to get him out of his cage trying use a stick and this is how he reacted. He must of learned a new color pattern, this is the first time I have ever seen him with spots. Being crule I provoked him more with my camera, but I couldn't pass up these beautiful shots.


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I can confirm Vieleds...

My little "Fella" looks obese until I go to take a photo, then all of a sudden he flattens out, shows his ribs and makes me look like I do not feed him.
Asian's like Pit bulls and Chow Chow's :D That's why I tell everyone I keep my Pit nice and plump :eek:.

Bad experience with Chow Chows, when I was little. Even the meanest of pits was always sweet to me. Dogs just know. Shame some dogs get a bad rap for not being able to id kids as friendly. Just make sure they have clear line of sight to your right side of face. Makes it easier for them to tell friend or foe.
Bad experience with Chow Chows, when I was little. Even the meanest of pits was always sweet to me. Dogs just know. Shame some dogs get a bad rap for not being able to id kids as friendly. Just make sure they have clear line of sight to your right side of face. Makes it easier for them to tell friend or foe.

I am an owner of a vicious pit bull, she “Mocha” who is trained by me, is certified by the human society as a “Good canine citizen”, trained service dog, volunteer search and rescue dog, mascot for our business and now a retired at 14 years old is a horrible nanny dog for my two children but a great vacuum cleaner for spills, messes and baby puke. Funny cause my neighbors still label her as an attack dog. No matter what accomplishments one can do, uneducated people will always create a bad rep for this breed. . Hell I still have people roll up their windows and lock their car doors when I pull up next to them with her. (like my dog can open door handles:confused:)
When it comes to dogs, most recognize 'decent' people and don't bother unless bothered. Of course, there are some exceptions [i.e. dogs fed gunpowder]. I have seen pits burned and shot in the head, go back lickin' and lovin' the people who did it to them. I would guess most (95%) bites were for a reason, or perception by the dog. Children are the exception to the rule. Dogs just seem to have a hard time gauging their intentions. Always smile, and let them read your right side of the face. I had a german shepard who was donated to my dad's police K9 friend. He went on to be an actual police dog. Upon seeing him several years later, the officer wouldn't let me near him. "He may bite or attack", etc... Me being a kid, I snuck up to him anyway, OF COURSE. The dog peed everywhere! He knew exactly who I was. Just goes to show, more human's at fault for being bit, than dog's. :)
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