Veild Cham


New Member
Hey guys,
I have successfully raised a male Jacksons and thought I was ready for a veiled. I got one 5 days ago now (3 month old male) and he doesn't appear to be doing well. I have a 75 watt but as well as a uvb bulb on the reptibreeze enclosure. I put crickets in, and they are disappearing, so I assume that he is eating though I have yet to see him do so. He has remained almost black since I got him (at a reptile show nearby) and just sits at the top of the cage with very little movement. Maybe it's something he'll grow out of, but I don't think he's doing very well. Any advice? Thank!

Cage is 1ft tall X 1ft deep X 20inches tall
That's a pretty small enclosure, do you have a picture of it? Hopefully it's heavily planted so he can hide until he settles in. It took my little guy 2-3 days to start eating but he was exploring all over
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