Veild Not eating

Jacob Gonzales

New Member
I think veilds are just kind of picky eaters, as my male veild prob about 7-9 mo old just stoped eating his circkets :(. thanks to this place tho i went got him sum super worms/wax worms (as a treat)
and a few others. order some dubia roaches. He eats aneything i put infront of him...sept crickets :)
glad i found this place early saved me allot of trouble, have bean herping about 12-15 years was always discouraged from getting a cham buy others i knew with experiance with herps
finaly just could not hold out found every good page/referance i could. Found this place and new it was going to come in handy :p
Now my chams are doind great ill get some good picks some day of my crew so far.
as far as chams i curently have (Wesly snipes) my veild male
and my male dwarf jacksons (Castor)

I dont post much but thanks :p
mine has slowed down n his locust he does eat erm bt aint eating em like he use to like hunting them down in minutes i might change to crickets to see if he changes his mind cudb bored with locust now he loves his worms though
It goes in cycles........

With my male Veiled it goes in cycles. He loves silkworms. He will hold out until he is sure no silkworms are coming his way. When I say hold out, I mean days. Then he will finally eat some crickets if the silkworms don't appear. I don't have any large silkworms this week so he had to give in and start eating crickets. Male Veileds seem to be a bit stubborn.
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