veiled babies and momma


Established Member
Here some pics the first two are the female we kept from rinks last clutch and then the third and fourth pics are the new clutch I have right now which I'm going to keep a couple more females from I just love the way this pairs offspring have turned out the males are just Awsome but enough blabbin here's some pics the last pic is momma. IMAG3267-1.jpg




Wow the babies are soooo cute and look at Precious she is beautiful. I would have to say the females are equally as awesome as the males. Mr T and Tink have produced some of the finest veileds I have seen and I am proud to say I own one them:)
Wow the babies are soooo cute and look at Precious she is beautiful. I would have to say the females are equally as awesome as the males. Mr T and Tink have produced some of the finest veileds I have seen and I am proud to say I own one them:)
I never kept any males from the last you think you can post a pic on here too?
I would love to see more pics of him again the last ones were great he looks a lot like daddy. Thanks for the huge compliment Carrie.:)
Here's daddy. IMAG3153.jpg

Well now....there's some very awesome chams and no mistake :) Congrats on your babies - how many did you get? :D
Thanks everyone this clutch is a clutch of 38 and I have lost 1 baby for the first time in three years. Usually once they are out running around they live out their life but I had one little one that just would not eat or drink I gave him droplets by syringe and bugjuice and tried reptiaid as a last effort but he just was not strong enough from the start. When I say first one I lost I mean that actually hatched. I have lost dozen or so that died in their eggs but that's it I have been lucky that way I guess. Again thanks every one esspecially Carrie for the pics. luie is Awsome your doin great with him. I am really happy with this pair and the offspring they produce. :D
Awe they are so cute! Just had 2 more hatch from our first clutch (makes 8 of 36 so far and 1 more has its lil head out).
No matter how many times I see eggs hatch its always fun to watch more congrats on the babies its a long hard wait eh?
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