veiled cameleon help


New Member
hi all we are new to this site
we have just taken in a young male vailed which was not looked after properly he seems to keep his right eye closed most of the time since we have had him we have been giveing him 3 sprays a day which seems to help a bit his temps are fine we use real sun spot + uv bulb any help please

nb we also have another male and female wich are both in very good health

many thanks
Welcome to the forum.
How young is this chameleon in particular?
If he can withstand a shower method, you can give him a shower for 30 minutes or less (since he's not really dehydrated).

Shower will induce his response to clean his eyes.
You will start seeing him bulging his eyes in and out like balloons.
Don't be alarmed. That's how chameleon clean his eyes.

It is most likely that your chameleon's eyes has some irritants or debris stuck.

But, just in case, can you take a pic of your chameleon and his enclosure and upload them in this thread?
I can help you out pinpointing things that need to be addressed.

Closing eyes unfortunately is a very general sign to most sickness.
It can be as mild as irritants to as critical as URIs.

thank you for your quick reply when you say shower i take it to leave him out of the spray itself just the steam:confused: sorry but have not done this before
my main experience is with snakes :eek:
you can check my link for the shower method. Check under dehydration health chapter.
5 months or older is the recommended age for this therapy.
again, closing eyes is, unfortunately, chameleon's most common response of something is not right.

Irritants are most common one. But, there is a possibility of something else other than that.
if you gave me a rundown of how you keep him + pictures of him and his enclosure, We can help you out pinpoint the problematic possibilities. :)
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