Veiled Cham Diet


New Member
Heres the diet i feed my cham currently- he seems happy and has had roughly the same for the past 2 years,

Mon: 2-4 Locusts Dusted with vitamin supplement (gutloaded)
Tue: Appetite Test: Display Locust to Cham- if he eats it give few more, if he doesnt dont feed (repeat test later)
Wed: 2-4 locust some waxworms as treat
Thur:Appetite Test
Fri:2-4 Locust
Sat: App Test
Sun: 2-4 locust with waxworms as treat

NOTE: Waxworms high like candy to chams so used as treat
Supplements every week
Regular misting etc. as well

Seems happy but is this ok????
Hi...what about crickets?have you ever tried them with him?My girl gets kinda board if i give offer up the same things all the time!
thats a good point which is why im contemplating givin him mealworms as a bit of a mix- however he used to eat crickets when he was younger but he didnt eat them after he discovered a taste for the locusts.
I would increase the amount of waxworms he has but he doesnt eat his locusts because he likes them so much :cool:
You already know that axworms are addictive and should be used as a treat only. Mealworms are also treats rather than staple. They have a high level of chitin that chams find hard to digest, therefore too many mealworms may cause impaction. Amy loves them but I only give her one or two as a treat and then I only give her the newly moulted white ones.
aah right thanks.
so if crickets are out, what other live insects should i give him?? (that aren't worms)
Basically, we are fairly limited here in the UK! Here is a list of all feeders that are avaiable to us. If I have missed any I'm sure someone else will add some!

Super/Morio Worms
Phoenix Worms
Mealworms (treats)
Waxworms (treats) (also wax moths when they pupate - chams love these too!)

Your cham may also munch on the leaves of his plants too, so make sure that they are non-toxic ones - a list can be found in the resources tab at the top of the page. Veileds will eat fruit and veggies too. Favourite plants are Umbrella (Schefflera), Ficus (Weeping Fig), Pothos and Hibiscus (a lot of chams love to eat the flowers too!)
Roaches, terrestrial isopods, stick insects, moths, flies...
Silkworms and butterworms are great too.

Do you dust with Calcium at all? you only indicate a vitamin supplement.
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