veiled cham-eating problems-back to crickets

my cham has gone through many many hundreds of dollars worth of health problems in the last few months... anyways we are working our way back from baby food to crickets for the 4th time (he's gotten spoiled on veal, ham, and beef baby food lol) and i noticed three times in the last two days that he shoots his tongue, hits the cricket, but it doesnt stick and therefore never makes it to his mouth. no dehydration-vet approved and closely monitored cage conditions-making great progress other than this

so why no sticky on his tongue?:confused:
What have been his issues so far?
And who told you to feed a chameleon beef, ham and veal ???
Bug Juice is what we feed chameleons who need assistance/force feeding (if they really do need it)
Who can say now what kind of whacked out vitaminosis issues, blood sugar and protein levels, etc. your chameleon is experiencing.
I would have no idea how to pinpoint the problem other than to tell you to never feed baby food to a chameleon again.
Did the vet suggest it?
If so, I wouldn't put much stock in that vet's knowledge of chameleons.

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