Veiled Chameleon breeders?

I second frams chams, one of the best and they have a few veileds left.
I reached out to them and they only have females left I hear very great things about them however this would be my first time having my own chameleon ( my brother had one before) and i dont know if im ready to go into it with a female. I understand that the egg laying process is simple as long as they have the proper requirements but I still would prefer a male for first time.
I reached out to them and they only have females left I hear very great things about them however this would be my first time having my own chameleon ( my brother had one before) and i dont know if im ready to go into it with a female. I understand that the egg laying process is simple as long as they have the proper requirements but I still would prefer a male for first time.
I hear you. Do they have any eggs you could maybe be on a waiting list for?
I reached out to them and they only have females left I hear very great things about them however this would be my first time having my own chameleon ( my brother had one before) and i dont know if im ready to go into it with a female. I understand that the egg laying process is simple as long as they have the proper requirements but I still would prefer a male for first time.
I am sorry to hear that. Just thought of, @jannb had a friend with veiled chams, not sure if she has any left for adoption. They are beautiful!
I’ve been looking into them but seen alot of mixed reviews. Did you get a juvenile and did they tell you if it was wild caught or captive bred?
captive bred. almsot all of his young ones (2-3 months) are CB. He had amazing color too

I personally got a spanky bloodline. once they are adults, they look shockingly similar to the pictures when they are happy / sleeping
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