veiled chameleon can't open his eyes


New Member
Hello.I have a 4 month old male veiled chameleon. He shedded and the 2 days later he can't open both of his eyes.we took him to the vet a week ago and they gave us drops and it hasn't helped.we've been spraying him, taking showers with him.nothings working.he does try to rum his eyes.he can't eat because he can't see.he does drink though.we feed him with repta boost.please help thanks.
Welcome to the forum!
Sorry your cham isn't feeling well.

It can happen that one antibiotic will not help to cure an infection but a different antibiotic will.
It happens with people, as well as with chams and other animals.
After a week, you should have seen some improvement if the medication was going to help.

It sounds like he needs to try a different antibiotic or he needs to be given antibiotic drops AND an oral or injectable antibiotic.

I would call the vet today and tell them that the medication has not helped your cham's eyes at all.

You can also cut and paste the questions from, then add all of your answers, so we can see if anything might be causing your cham to get sick.

Very often people are given wrong care instructions or incomplete instructions, so a cham doesn't get all that he needs to be healthy.
Like other creatures, this isn't always true and sometimes they get ill for unknown reasons.

Sometimes, a bit of shed skin gets lodged under the eyelid and causes irritation or infection.
You can rinse your cham's eyes with a gentle saline solution, which may help him to get the irritant out of his eye.

You want to gently squirt the saline solution into the eye and fill it up so the lid puffs out temporarily.
Even with closed eyes the gentle stream can penetrate the closed lid.

I've used these for eye rinses
AND have also used this one by Bausch and Lomb
This Bausch and Lomb solution is made with the same ingredients called Sensitive Eyes Plus

Hope this helps you out.
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