veiled chameleon colors?

since i couldnt find any threads on the website i decided to make my own lol. i was wondering if you can give me an answer talking and describing about veiled chameleon moods. like for example when a chameleon is mad angry grumpy doesnt it turn brown? what other colors mean different things? i know veileds cant turn into all the colors of the rainbow like panthers but can you also give me all the colors a male veiled chameleon could change into? can they stay in that solid color or not? thanx!!:):)
When a gravid or non-receptive veiled female sees a male she will react by darkening the background color, inflating her body, rocking back and forth, hissing, gaping...and attacking the male if he comes close enough. She will have mustard/Yellow splotches on her body along with bright blue spots.

Gravid...non-receptive female....

A receptive female veiled will remain calm when she sees a male and not inflate her body, not hiss or gape, etc. slightly raise her back end and likely move slowly away from he male.

Receptive female...


And aggressive male will brighten his colors, hold one hand up near his chin, rock, hiss, inflate his body,coil and u coil his tail.

Aggressive male...second photo down...
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Oh Me , Here we go again with Panthers getting all the credit for the color;)The images above show great examples! If you haven't seen some really nice veiled colors I'm going to attach some for you of mine and some of the other forums members:) The first image is of my little man Merlin ( The other images is of Spike( his father) and Luie ( his Great Grandfather) If you interact with your chameleon, respect him, and provide the best care for him I promise you will see, and learn, some wonderful things!


  • spike.jpg
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  • luie.jpg
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those are very nice!!! like your chams!:):) are they those top bloodline chams or can any ordanary cham do that? nice coloring really !reall gorgeous
Merlin is mine, the other two are Jannbs and Dezs(other forums members) Others can do it do, Luie was actually a petsmart buy I do believe. Other chams can turn out high yellow and others can be orange. It all depends on the bloodline, and how you treat them! You can always email the seller to ask pictures of the sire (father) to kinda see what your chameleon might look like
i emailed lllreptile since thats maybe where im buying it from and ask them where do they get their chameleons from? do they get them from reputable breeders,do they breed them their selves or do they get it frombig chameleon company facilities(petco chameleons basically) and im just waiting on an answer and if they say they breed them their selves or got them from a reputable breeder ill ask for pics or if not a website of the breeder.:)
wait so chameleons are really never that big and are relitevly skinny looking or are they always puffed up straight up like those 2 other veileds? is that just displaying or are they like that all day?
Yes and No, Many chameleon puff up big and flatten out when they are basking ( they also darken the colors up during this process) Also, they will puff up big when they get mad or see another male (that process is what many people refer to as "Firing Up" If you can gain the trust of your chameleon and take him outside and have him a small tree ( real or fake) I promise they will show some pretty sweet colors . Also, Im attaching a thread I started , its all of Merlins brother and sisters growing up, they all around 6 months old , but you can see a growing up process and a dramatic change in color:)
If you want a nice friendly veiled then it's important to buy from a small time breeder or even a person that only breeds their pets every now and then. These keepers will have allot more time to interact with the babies and you will get a nicer chameleon. I have a friend with some veiled babies right now. She only breeds her pets every now and then. If you'd like to check her out she is on Facebook. Just search The Chameleon Farms. She is also a member here:

Just remember the most important thing you can do is plenty of research and be prepared BEFORE you get your chameleon.
Jannb is right. Small time breeders are the way to go! She's in Florida and my best friend/ neighbor bought a veiled baby from her. We live in Minnesota. The baby veiled is insanely nice. Which isn't all that common in veileds. You'll see a lot of posts about cranky veileds. Lots and lots of research. The great thing and unfortunate thing about chameleons is they are always available. So take your time. Having your cage set up completely and running for a few days is important. This allows you to work out any kinks and get all the temps perfect for your arrival. The arrival day is very stressful for a chameleon. Try and make it as smooth a transition as possible. Gut loading, supplementation, lighting, and how you plan on hydrating is CRUCIAL. The chameleon itself will be the cheapest purchase you make even if you buy a $400 chameleon. Everything you need for your chameleon can be purchased through our sponsors. Including the chameleon. This is not a sales pitch. Our sponsors are well respected and trust worthy. You can also find people like jannb suggested who are not sponsors on this website, but excellent breeders to buy from. Jannb would be my go to for veiled info and questions.

Once you've gotten your cage set up, post some pictures on here. There are many MANY outstanding chameleon keepers on here who are more then willing to lend some critiques on your enclosure. Especially if you are someone who is taking your time and not rushing a purchase. They can help get a solid routine for supplementation as well. Which is a tricky part! Keep in mind there is no 100% right way to supplement. Only what is working for each individual owner. Another thing good about this forum is you can find chameleon owners in your state. Which is awesome when it comes to basking bulb strength and humidity. What works for me in Minnesota, wouldn't work for someone in Texas.

Looking forward to seeing your journey to becoming a new owner via posts! I'm attaching the care sheet for veileds. It's a great starting point for someone interested in purchasing a veiled. Gives you their basic needs.
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Thanx for you answers!yess I already built a 2x2x4 screen enclosure and bought a new 10.0 UVB ( read somewhere here these are fine) and a 75 Watt basking bulb. i have been planning for 3 months now all I need is plants and the chameleon of course. I will be adding pics so you can see how thing are going! :D i will be makeing it a 100% natural plant habitat with safe plants for the chameleon to enjoy. and I have been searching everywhere in the sfbay area and cant seem to find a breeder :(
Thanx for you answers!yess I already built a 2x2x4 screen enclosure and bought a new 10.0 UVB ( read somewhere here these are fine) and a 75 Watt basking bulb. i have been planning for 3 months now all I need is plants and the chameleon of course. I will be adding pics so you can see how thing are going! :D i will be makeing it a 100% natural plant habitat with safe plants for the chameleon to enjoy. and I have been searching everywhere in the sfbay area and cant seem to find a breeder :(

Buy from one of the people selling here on the forum.

you can have him shipped to you.
My opinion would be to buy from who jannb told you. Just because I know she is very hands on and it showed when her baby came to my friends house. If she is saying her friend is hands on you can guarantee she is hands on. Veiled can be cranky. Especially if they are not handled. Purchase from someone who handles the babies from day 1 daily. It will give you a massive head start when it comes to the chameleon trusting you and not seeing you as a threat.
"Fella" my jouvinile male veiled .....

Displays like a non receptive female when I get to close...

If it was not for the spurs I might be concerned.
I would listen to jannb on this one. She has had numerous veiled chams- all gorgeous and extremely friendly. This is not a slam on LLL, but you do have a better chance of getting a veiled chameleon with a better attitude if he has had human contact from day one. My guy will definitely show some attitude if he catches a glimpse of another cham, but never with me.
yes i have seen her facebook website and asked her about her veiled chameleons and said they have 2 month old veiled chams available but isnt 2 months old a little to young and can be a possibly death amd should wait at 4+ months or is 2 months good?
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