Veiled Chameleon Eggs


New Member
I have 41 Chameleon eggs that were laid 1/5/10 they were doing great until a few days ago and now almost all the eggs have fuzzy white mold growing on them. MOst of all of the look firm and still in perfect shape but this mold is starting to worry me what can I do to fix it. Please help this is my first clutch of babies.
I am including a few pictures I dont know if you will be able to see what is going on but hopefully someone can give me some advice on them.

1st clutch Jabba.jpg

Jabba's 1 egg clutch.jpg

Jabba's 1 egg clutch-2.jpg
This would be about the time frame that infertile eggs would start to mold. Are you sure they are fertile? How moist is your perlite there?
yea, i agree. they're either duds or you overwatered them. if its overwatering i think theres a chance you can reduce watering and the babies immune system could fight it off ( um... i think i read that before). dont move the eggs, but hold an LED light up to the eggs so they light up and look for blood vessels.
See that is where the problem lies. I believe they are fertile but cant be 100% as I just got the mommy in December from a breeder who was not taking very ggod care of her. The day I got her home she was with 3 other younger chams. They had all been living to gether in one cage, hense why i took all 4 of them. I brought them home and it was late at night so I had one cage ready so i figured for the night it would be ok since they had been todether for ever and that I would in the morning go build another cage for them. That night the older of the 3 juveniles who is aprox 4-5 months mounted her. I dontknow if he is old enough to get the job done but he did make the attempt and because they have been living together for ever who knows how many other times it has happened.

Now for the humidity thingI do not know I just realized that the gauage that I put in there is not working cause I know that there is humidity but it says 0 so I hve to go today to get a new one. Once I put the gauage back in there what should the humidity level be at?
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