New Member
Hey guys. I'm a new chameleon owner, had my guys 3 days now. Not exactly sure of his age. When I got him the guy at the petstore said he's 7-9months old but to me he seems to small to be that old. I'm thinking he's no more than 3 months old...I'm just wondering how much I should be feeding him? When I first got him home I put 5 or 6 crickets dusted with calcium in his enclosure and he ate them up quickly. The next day I put another 5 or 6 in, dusted as well and he ate them. I decided to put a food dish in so he had easier access to the crickets because I had noticed they were staying near the bottom of the cage and he only got to them when they came up the that the food dish is in the cage he doesn't seem to notice it, only eats a cricket when it gets out and crawls up the cage...will he get used to where the dish is?