Veiled chameleon food


New Member
Hi everyone! So I finally figured out how to post here, yay!
So I have a veiled chameleon, got him from my husband last Christmas(big surprise!) but not sure how old he is. I would say around 3-4 months?

Question is, I have been feeding him superworms and crickets, which I have dusted with Calcium w D3 which I found out not too long ago that I shouldn't be dusting his every meal with this esp since he's still juvenile. I am now hoping I am not poisoning this lil dude eversince (Now getting one without D3!)

I read thru someone's post that veiled will eat some veggies but what kind and how often should that be done? What are the recommended insects to feed that I can give daily besides crickets? AND where to purchase these bugs that when ship are 99% alive upon arrival?

Sorry for all the questions, this is just the beggining of them all!

Thanks in advance
just wondering if there is like a good website of where to purchase bugs too. from the petstores i only get live crickets and most of them die in a day or so...and just mealworms superworms. would love to give sir henry alternatives. they do have dried bugs at the store but i prefer live ones!
Always feed live food. You can check out most of the forum sponsors that deal in feeders. All are a reputable source for feeder insects.

Are you gutloading your feeders? I keep crickets in a medium kritter keeper with toilet paper tubes and keep them fed with Repashy Bug Burger and various veggies like kale and carrots. I buy 100 every week and have minimal die off.
awesome! thanks for the advice...
yes they are gutloaded but just the dry stuff. i have read the info on the caresheet too.
working on gutloading them with fruits
n veggies recommended.

yeah i think he prefers live food too because i have placed a just a barely alive cricket and he didn't want it. or maybe he is just picky?...

Always feed live food. You can check out most of the forum sponsors that deal in feeders. All are a reputable source for feeder insects.

Are you gutloading your feeders? I keep crickets in a medium kritter keeper with toilet paper tubes and keep them fed with Repashy Bug Burger and various veggies like kale and carrots. I buy 100 every week and have minimal die off.
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