Veiled Chameleon - Male or Female?


New Member
Hi, I have a three month old veiled chameleon that was sold to me by the pet shop as a female. They told me about spurs and all that, and I saw little nubs on the back feet a few weeks later but when I asked about it they said it was a normal part of the foot, still female. I'm not sure, looks male to me? Thanks.
I was with my mum who was rushing the pet shop owner a bit with the dates because we were excited, and my mum did the maths but she's not very good at it haha. I've just checked when they first posted the chameleons for sale which was 13th of December, pet shop owner said she got them in at 12 weeks. So that adds up to 20 weeks, does that look about right? My mum has seen him as a small baby when she first got them in.
I wouldn't say six months; he's small in size, and not a lot of darker colors(really bright showing that he is a young dude)
Thanks! Yeah, I was wanting a female, think they're a bit prettier than the males too but he's grown on me a lot, love him anyway.
Good! take good care of him( I'm sure you will) It doesn't matter gender sometimes you prefer a certain gender but you shouldn't care unless your just starting out on your pets.
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