Veiled chameleon on the floor

Veiled guy 123

New Member
Hi guys, i have a quick question. Today i've noticed my female veiled chameleon Iggy has spent much of her day on the bottom of the cage. Should i be worried?
If she's still active (digging around) she may be gravid and searching for a place to lay eggs.
You'd need to provide her with a proper layingbin asap. so she can lay her eggs.

If she's on the floor 'sleeping' it's not a good sign.
I just checked on her and she was sleeping on the floor, but i just think that's because it's night time. I have a good size bucket in her vivarium about 10 inches deep and she has not really payed much attention to it.
The information given is not enough to give you any suggestions. If you could, please, fill out the "how to ask for help" questions that are under the Health Clinic forum. Just copy and paste the questions and the fill them out in a reply here. That will give the members on here a bigger picture of what might be going on with her.
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