Veiled chameleon shedding problem


i have a veiled chameleon that started shedding about two weeks ago but never finished. She shedded her head and down her spine but both her sides never finished u can see the color difference
Should I worry or just leave her be. I mister her a lot with my spreyer
I've had her 7 months and the guy at the store said she was around 4 so prolly around a year
She just laid eggs about 2 months ago or so.
Have you tried giving her a shower to help loosen up any leftover skin, that may help. Also as I understand it as a cham gets older they stop having full body sheds and begin to shed in stages so it can seem like they are in a constant shed.

I would also give her back the (clean) laying bin, that way she will have it when needed, and you will not have to worry about looking for signs of her being ready. Just a thought
My male is around 11 months old and stopped having full body sheds. last week his head was shedding and this morning his belly and rear legs and tail are starting to shed.

If you're worried about stuck shed try misting with warm water or use the shower method. Also, I've noticed some time in the sun helps kick start things.
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