New Member
I have a I'm guessing around a 9 month old female veiled chameleon (the pet store didn't know) that has stopped eating completely a little over 3 weeks ago .minimal handling ,low traffic area ,she has a 4 by 2 repti breeze cage with fake and live non toxic plants ,full cage mist every 3 hours ,24 hour drip system, cage around 75 degrees with 2 basking spots one in low 80s one in low 90s ,New UVB tube ,container fed so access to food at all times. I have tried every type of food in cups,containers,free roaming nothing works .humidity around 65. Thing is she looks exactly the same very little weight loss good color ,very active,well hydrated ,I don't see any noticeable eggs but I always keep a 8 by 10 play sand container with her. I'm really getting scared and we won't make it to a vet for 2 more weeks. I've been giving her vitamins,calcium,appetite stimulant orally for the last 12 days