veiled chameleon


New Member
hi this is my 1st time on any forums so please be kind. i have had my felmale veiled for a couple of months and she was eating and drinking fine but she is now green with orange stripes on her, i am lunck if she eats anything more than 1 cricket each day and i checked on her and she is now asleep on the floor. please can some 1 help me i am starting 2 panic!
she is in a tall wooden viv with a very large exo terra repti glo 5.0 tropical terrarium lamp and with a 100w ceramic bulb on a thermostat which is set on 32 degrees C. i mist the viv once a day but i no she drinks from her water bowl. she is about 7 months old she eats crickets and i give her nutrobal once a week. she looks more fatter than normal and is kind of laying more on her perch and she is barely eatins but her eyes look fine and she was drinking a while ago, but the lights hav just gone out and she is asleep on the floor. please help me
You said..."she is now green with orange stripes on her"...are the orange markings more like splotches than stripes?

Does she have a place to dig to lay eggs in the cage?
yeah i wood say they are more like splotches than stripes but she dont really hav anything 2 dig cause i was told she wood start 2 scrap on the floor frist if she was 2 lay eggs. the water bolw has clean water init and is changed daily and it helps humidity
o yeah her tail started 2 shed last week or so but then the rest of her never did and she has light blue spots on her side
Hmmmm the splotches sound like a breeding coloration or somthing like that. And she's not eating...i dunno and the not shedding part. Is she dehyrated? or really thin?? i would try to get her more sunlight and try to increase the temp of your viv a couple of degrees just incase its some kind of bug
Sounds to me from coloration she is gravid and needs a spot to lay eggs.... you dont want to wait too long..... i use moist sand. moist enought to make a tunnel without colapse. about 10-12 inches deep and large enough to have about 2-3 inches around her when she is in it. does she have a mate? if not the eggs arent going to be fertile...
Ren is right IMHO..If she is looking for a place to lay eggs, and you don't give it to her ASAP she could head towards being eggbound....I hope its not too late for her already.
Also, does she have a source of UVB? (The UVB should not have glass or plastic on it...sunlight should not pass through glass or plastic either.)

What do you provide for supplements and how often? Do you feed the insects a nutritious diet and gutload them before giving them to your chameleon? How much does she usually eat per day?
Picture please........

Picture of your girl and one of her cage (from a distance to get a full view)........Welcome to the forum too :)
hi every1 just so you no i have put some soil with sand init and wet it and it is prefect 2 dig in and i have put a flower pot with some moist sand init at the bottom of the cage as well. she is not digging and she is falling over and kind of laying it does not look good, but her eyes are still not sunken and she is looking alert still and she has eaten 4 crickets with calcium on them but she is looking more bloated than yesterday
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