Veiled doesn't like silkworms?


New Member
I recently bought silkworms for my 4 mth cham and at first he ate a couple but now he wont touch them. I left 4 in the cage and they were all there when i got home from work, he has no problem eating crickets though. my cham is a little smaller than most 4 mths, could he be to small or could he just not like them
First let me tell you that your avatar is wonderful.:rolleyes:

Sometimes young chameleons dont take an intrest in worms.
I have had this problem several times with my young chams.
You dont want the silkworms to grow to fast, so you need to stay strong and use the silkworms as your only feeder.
That is only if you dont want to throw them away.
Try to hold off on feeding the crickets for a day, and then see if he opens up to the silkworms.
Recently it took me a couple of days to get my 5 month to start eatting supers.
Now she eats them like their is no tomorrow.
They like active prey that moves around a bit more.
I guess you could say hunting is their passion, but if you place a couple of silkworms on the branches they will start to look for them.

-Good luck
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