Veiled groups?


New Member

Has anyone had any experience in keeping a group of veileds together in one cage... along the lines of 1.2?
If so how did you find it? and what size cage did you have?

Many thanks
Andy :p
Its not worth trying.

Veileds are territorial.

It puts stress on the females because the male wants to constantly breed, they can fight over food, basking, etc.
Could be done, but it would have to be a HUGE cage, probably like 5x5x6 at least. and even then, you can still have territory problems and fighting.
yup, young babies can be housed together. im currently housing my veiled hatchlings that are 2-2.5 months old in 2 cages, and they are fine.
but if i have any left when thye hit the 4 month mark, i will seperate, as it can still cause territory issues.

if the babies have been together the whole time, it might work, maybe, but again, need a huge cage, and a way to seperate them if they start to fight or one is stressing out more.
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