Veiled Male

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I have a WC adult male vieled for sale. I origionally bought him from Steve @ Chameleons By Design. He eats good, no health problems. He is also a proven breeder. :D I bought him for 175$, I am asking 140$. I prefer someone in my area, but am willing to ship. I will post an old picture, and will try to get new ones, e-mail me at [email protected].


He fires up with blue and yellow.

hey not being rude, but i would try to get a better pic. more greens maybe even a sleeping photo. greeens, yellows, and blues do sell better than browns. lol
awesome im not making a move this month, but i will be looking for a female so i will keep u in mind. thanks Justin and igor(mostly)lol
He came from Chameleons by Design de wormed. He eats good. I find him to be skinnier then a CB animal, but nothing unusual. He is healthy, and hasnt hesitated to breed eat or drink. As a matter o' fact, I just misted him minutes ago, and he went to town, LOL.

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