veiled only eats mealworms...


New Member
we adopted a male veiled chameleon, 1 1/2 yrs old 3 weeks ago. he was given to the pet store because his owners were moving and couldn't take him with them. he appears to be in good health, big guy, 14 1/2 inches nose to tail, just finishing a shed, drinks water well, even comes to us when we open the cage. the only problem is that he wouldn't eat crickets. i thought he was just stressed from the move but i tried mealworms and he will eat them. he just ignores the crickets completely. i know that mealworms can't be a suitable diet alone. any advice would be great!

the pet store didn't have any info from the previous owners either so i can't call them and see what/how he ate before.

we adopted a male veiled chameleon, 1 1/2 yrs old 3 weeks ago. he was given to the pet store because his owners were moving and couldn't take him with them. he appears to be in good health, big guy, 14 1/2 inches nose to tail, just finishing a shed, drinks water well, even comes to us when we open the cage. the only problem is that he wouldn't eat crickets. i thought he was just stressed from the move but i tried mealworms and he will eat them. he just ignores the crickets completely. i know that mealworms can't be a suitable diet alone. any advice would be great!

the pet store didn't have any info from the previous owners either so i can't call them and see what/how he ate before.


Well, keep trying to feed him crickets! oh and gutload 'em! :) Try to put them in a cup and wiggle it in front of him...or hold one, like between your fingers and wiggle it that way.

Too many mealworms is bad. It's okay for a snack.
I give mine superworms and when I did, he would only get 1-2 after crickets. Superworms are also snacks.

The best worm I would suggest are silkworms, it could be considered another staple of food like crickets. Try to look for a local store who might sell it or buy it online.
Zebra Silkworms <-- this is chameleonforums member selling worms at a good price.

Hope this helps. :D :D :D
Just Stop offering mealworms. Eventually he will become hungry enough to accept food that is better for him (butterworms, silkworms, gut6loaded crickets). Dont give in! It may take a week or more if he is stubborn. But you say he is large and in good health, so going without food will not hurt him (make sure there is still plenty of water).
i hate to take the meal worms away. :( my husband swears he saw him eat a cricket and altho i've heard it's stressful to leave crickets in the cage we have been and a few have gone missing. not sure if they are finding a way out or hiding under a log etc. hopefully he's eatting them. i just wish he'd eat them as soon as i put them in there like our previous chameleons! oh well. thanks so much for the advice!
Don't offer food for a few days. I find that they are more willing to eat if they haven't even been able to have food of any kind for two days or so. Don't ever do that with a baby though.
i hate to take the meal worms away.

I know it probably feels like you are depriving him of a favourite by withholding mealworms. But think of it like this: if your 3 year old child preferred to eat candy and icecream, would you let her? 'course not. You'd make her eat healthy foods, and give ice cream as a treat.

Mealworms are okay now and then, even once a week.
But they are NOT a good choice for daily consumption. They are high in fat, low in good nutrients (even when gutloaded), and somewhat hard for the chameleon to digest (the chinton/skin doesnt break down easily).

If you want a larva that the chameleon is likely to enjoy just as much as mealworms, but which is actually good for him, give him silkworms. Another option is butterworms (in addition to the few crickets and other things).
It seems cruel but holding back on the mealworms could actually be beneficial. Hunger seems to be the only way to break bad habits.
Similar Situation

If he did this dont offer him SUPERWORMS they are like veiled cham CRACK I had a cham that would only eat these even if I tried the whole starving approach still didnt work. Never got him to eat crickets again only mealworms ans supers for life.
Suprisingly he lived a pretty full life of five and a half years.
im in the same shoes right now . i stop feeding him since yesterday and i only put crix in his cage , he will eat anything but crix . just stop feeding him for couple of days and then try crix . thats what im working on right now, hope that works .
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