Veiled/Panther insect % vegetables % fruits total diet/what percent


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I have a 3-4 month Veiled. I've been giving him ton fo vitamin/mineral on all his crickets each time-- I believe in giving them good nutrition while they grow until their adults.

I give him Cricket as his main meal-- sometimes I throw in outside bug such as mantis or something big, I dust them also. I try to give him too many outside creatures just in-case they have parasites in them.

What else can I give him? Its a Veiled I figure they are the Chameleon species that likes eating veggies.

Here is what I've seen them eat:
* Mangos
* Collard Greens

What should I give him? Do I boil spinach or collard greens? what fruits can they eat? I know
I've seen places it mentions not to give them certain veggies such as broccoli?

What's the percent of insect % vs. veggies? % fruits? should I give him to diversity his nutritious diet? I also have a baby Panther-- should I introduce vegetable diet to him as well?
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You really don't need to feed veggies at all. In the wild they might eat a leave or two if they are thirsty but if you are misting a few times a day then he doesn't need any. Also for supplementing chameleons need calcium dusting every feeding, calcium with D3 every two weeks and reptivite every two weeks. How many crickets are you feeding a day and can we get the dimensions of your enclosure and a full picture?
Generally panthers don't eat much vegetation...but I have seen them eat green peas.

When it comes to veileds they will eat quite a bit if given the opportunity. Good greens include dandelion greens, kale, endive, escarole, collards, mustard greens and veggies that can be used are carrots, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini, sweet potato, etc and you can also include a small amount of fruit such as apple, pear, melon, berries, etc.

These same greens and veggies are good for gutloading/feeding insects such as crickets, roaches, locusts and superworms.

Make sure you supplement properly and provide appropriate temperatures and proper UVB light as well.
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