veiled runs into tree and goes to sleep after shower


New Member
hi guys!! my veiled chameleon of 2 years old almost
hates water most of the time he runs away the last
week when the spray hits at 6 o clock in the evening
for 45 secs he runs to his bonsai ficus and goes to sleep..
and his lights goes out at 9..
he cant see outside lights any idea why ??
i just finished his medicine to for cocidiocis
any suggestions??
Is your water cold? Or does it flow very powerfully? For my Veileds I only hand mist with luke warm water and go gradually so I don't take them by surprise.
This is not practical for some people, I understand :)
Really I think Veileds tend to get a lot more water than they need (may be controversial - just my opinion).

If you have very well hydrated insects and a dripper that he is willing to use you could reduce the mistings to whenever you have the time to spare. Give him at least a couple of really good soakings each week. He's an adult now so it shouldn't be much of a risk.
its room temprature roundish 22 degrees
again runs far away from.the water today mixed thr
auto spray with hand spray now at same time with extra
hotter water dont know how to spell it haha
but i see some big spots of shedding to now
so mabye that explains it ???
Try warmer water. My veiled used to run away from the mist, but I started putting warm water in the spray bottle and he's fine with it now.
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