Veiled sleeping in the day


New Member
I have a female veiled chameleon that is almost three years old. She just layed a clutch of eggs one week ago. This was her second clutch. Ever since she layed them, she has been sleeping in the day. This did not happen with her first laying. Is this normal? She has not returned to her normal eating habits either.
No it's not good when they sleep during the day. Are you sure she laid them all? If you can feel her without causing to much stress and see if you can feel any that may have not came out. If she is egg bound you will need to get her to a vet ASAP. Give her plenty of water for now she is probably dehydrated from her ordeal.
Did she lay all the eggs in a hole and fill the hole in and return to the branches?
Did she do the same for the first clutch? Was she disturbed during the laying?
What SPECIFIC supplements do you use and how often for each?
What specifically do you feed/gutload the insects with?
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