veiled temperature


New Member
is 80F (ish) maybe a bit higher 1 or 2 degrees, ok for a young veiled say aged 2-6 months
That is perfect, but try to keep it in that range.
You may be able to raise the temperature a bit more before 6 months.
It all depends on the growth of the animal.
The temperature needs to be kept a little bit lower than that. I got sort of reamed for having the temp that high. 76-80 degrees. The younger chams can't regulate their body tempreatures as well as adults, and they can cook themselves to death. So... Keep it at a lower temp, and make sure that the basking area is far away from the bulb as possible.
When i picked up my female when she was a baby i got her at exactly 5 weeks old. At the warmest spot at the very top it was about 90 and dropped down to about 78 lower in the cage. Shes still alive and doing very well.
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