Venus Fly Trap

Mr Wilson

New Member
Has anyone ever used one of these in their enclosures? I was just wondering because we tend to get little gnats from the plants, which I know some other people have gotten as well. We've done the cup of vinegar inside, but I figured I'd ask if anyone has ever used one. Thanks!
I don't remember asking this question, and the second link doesn't show my name as the maker of that thread, so I'm not entirely sure where you got "PicassoThePanther" as being me.

I was at work on a break when I posted this after clicking one of the sponsors and seeing them sell the fly traps, which made me ask in the first place see how they were selling (don't remember which one it was right now). Also, two of us post on this site, so it could have been the other one of us asking the question and I just didn't realize.
She never meant that you had posted before...
She was just saying that with a click of the search button, you would find that other people have asked this question before.
I don't remember asking this question, and the second link doesn't show my name as the maker of that thread, so I'm not entirely sure where you got "PicassoThePanther" as being me.

I was at work on a break when I posted this after clicking one of the sponsors and seeing them sell the fly traps, which made me ask in the first place see how they were selling (don't remember which one it was right now). Also, two of us post on this site, so it could have been the other one of us asking the question and I just didn't realize.
I'm pretty sure that's you. The 2nd post has the link I referred to.

She never meant that you had posted before...
She was just saying that with a click of the search button, you would find that other people have asked this question before.

LOL Actually, I did. He said that 2 people use the same account (I think that's what he meant) so perhaps the other person already asked this question.
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The first link didn't work for me at all, the second link brought me to something totally different.

I always forget this site has a search feature, to be honest with you. Clearly I always forget what we post on here as well. Lord knows what I will forget next... now I'm getting worried hahaha. Perhaps I'm just losing my mind a little bit.
I think someone should just answer you and redirect you. I hate these hanging threads where links are thrown..Let me find some quotes from some people about this idea
Here are a few reasonable answers from that link.
You can check livedata base on plants too um in the "resources" tab

DGray said: VFTs are poisonous and should not be put in animal environments.

I have a very good library of books on carnivorous plants and some experience; if you need references or more care info, PM me

james L said: I think a venus is fine. I doubt its toxic enough to do any harm but why put it in a cham cage. Maybe a pygmy, but not something like a panther or any thing as large. Dgray for future note ive used carnivorous plants in vivariums before and never had issues with any animals because of the plants. The plants dont always live long but there safe in opinion. you over worry about plants. Do some experimenting

spearsre said: I think possibly someone has answered your question already. I have grown carnivorous plants for a long time. While there are some Asian pitcher plants that can trap small rodents, amphibians, and reptiles, there is no way a Venus' fly trap can handle a Chameleon. If you find one then please let me know.

It is more likely your Venus fly trap will die in the cage with the chameleon due to it's need for light, 80 percent humidity, and proper soil mixtures (sand and peat). I would recommend to any person interested in carnivorous plants to visit Cascade Carnivores and any of the other number of carnivorous plant dealers out there. Asian Pitcher plants could make good terrerium type plants but those are not the best places to keep chameleons. Anyway, feel free to PM me if you have other questions. Good luck and have no fear of placing a VFT with your cham.

I hoped these help..from what I seen I wouldn't do it just because the environment of the habitat. Good luck;)
I think someone should just answer you and redirect you. I hate these hanging threads where links are thrown..Let me find some quotes from some people about this idea

He was answered and redirected. The quotes are in the threads he was linked to. Doing research is part of owning a chameleon.
Here are a few reasonable answers from that link.
You can check livedata base on plants too um in the "resources" tab

DGray said: VFTs are poisonous and should not be put in animal environments.

I have a very good library of books on carnivorous plants and some experience; if you need references or more care info, PM me

james L said: I think a venus is fine. I doubt its toxic enough to do any harm but why put it in a cham cage. Maybe a pygmy, but not something like a panther or any thing as large. Dgray for future note ive used carnivorous plants in vivariums before and never had issues with any animals because of the plants. The plants dont always live long but there safe in opinion. you over worry about plants. Do some experimenting

spearsre said: I think possibly someone has answered your question already. I have grown carnivorous plants for a long time. While there are some Asian pitcher plants that can trap small rodents, amphibians, and reptiles, there is no way a Venus' fly trap can handle a Chameleon. If you find one then please let me know.

It is more likely your Venus fly trap will die in the cage with the chameleon due to it's need for light, 80 percent humidity, and proper soil mixtures (sand and peat). I would recommend to any person interested in carnivorous plants to visit Cascade Carnivores and any of the other number of carnivorous plant dealers out there. Asian Pitcher plants could make good terrerium type plants but those are not the best places to keep chameleons. Anyway, feel free to PM me if you have other questions. Good luck and have no fear of placing a VFT with your cham.

I hoped these help..from what I seen I wouldn't do it just because the environment of the habitat. Good luck;)

Those quotes are directly out of the thread I linked him. What's the difference in him clicking the link and reading for himself? He still has to read it after you copied it? :confused:
There was a misunderstanding, he thought I was referring to him as someone entirely different. Click the link, it works just fine.

Whatever..I was just doing him a favor and getting some answers for him. Idk why someone would want a link from their own thread at pervious times.
Whatever..I was just doing him a favor and getting some answers for him. Idk why someone would want a link from their own thread at pervious times.

Well, he (or someone using his account) already asked this question. The information he was looking for just happened to be in the previous thread. Therefore I linked it to him to refresh his memory. If that bothers you, I am very sorry.
whoa whoa whoa, ok let's all take a nice deep breath and relax. No need to get upset with each other, I mean, seriously. We are all on a forum to learn about chameleons, discuss chameleons, and find out what does and does not work, am I right? This thread was not intended to start some sort of ridiculous argument because I can't remember what was posted months ago or the fact that there is a search feature on the website. If you feel the need to continue your argument, do so through PMs please.

I was at work when I asked this question, was short on time, and didn't REMEMBER there was a "search feature" and quickly asked the question because I was curious. I figured rather than spend my short break searching on google or yahoo and trying to find a right answer, I'd ask people on here who own chameleons, figuring I'd get the best answer from you guys.

Also, please be advised that I DO research how to take care of a chameleon properly and it was why I asked the question. Granted I asked again, apparently, I still took it upon myself to ask for an answer rather than just go out and purchase one and see what happens. I could care less if you guys redirect me to other links, it won't kill me to click links and read. Once again, due to time constraints, I decided to just be a moron and ask a question I had already asked.

Let us also know, just so I don't have gender confusion, that I am not a "he" but a "she" hahaha.
whoa whoa whoa, ok let's all take a nice deep breath and relax. No need to get upset with each other, I mean, seriously. We are all on a forum to learn about chameleons, discuss chameleons, and find out what does and does not work, am I right? This thread was not intended to start some sort of ridiculous argument because I can't remember what was posted months ago or the fact that there is a search feature on the website. If you feel the need to continue your argument, do so through PMs please.

I was at work when I asked this question, was short on time, and didn't REMEMBER there was a "search feature" and quickly asked the question because I was curious. I figured rather than spend my short break searching on google or yahoo and trying to find a right answer, I'd ask people on here who own chameleons, figuring I'd get the best answer from you guys.

Also, please be advised that I DO research how to take care of a chameleon properly and it was why I asked the question. Granted I asked again, apparently, I still took it upon myself to ask for an answer rather than just go out and purchase one and see what happens. I could care less if you guys redirect me to other links, it won't kill me to click links and read. Once again, due to time constraints, I decided to just be a moron and ask a question I had already asked.

Let us also know, just so I don't have gender confusion, that I am not a "he" but a "she" hahaha.

I'm very sorry that your thread got out of hand. My comments are not directed at you and I have no issue with you at all. I certaintly hope that you found the info you needed regardless of the rest of the conversation. As for my part, I'm done with it.

As far as the he/she confusion, it's not the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last! haha :eek: Sorry about that as well!
Not a problem at all. I'll admit I'd much rather receive "yes" or "no" answers if people know them instead of "here are the links, look for it yourself" because clearly, if I asked the question, I wanted a straight answer, didn't know the question was already asked (even though I'm the moron who already asked it in the first place a few months ago, because who really remembers things from months ago anyway?), and figured the best place to get the answer was on a forum filled with smart people who have more experience than we do and may have tried it with/without success.

I guess when I see people post links to older/other threads asking the same question, it makes me just say "OK, I'm sorry I don't memorize the forum and remember what was and wasn't asked and/or answered." Just my two cents on the whole "here are the links, read" debate.
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