Vertical conversion kit -- not for chameleons


New Member
I am hoping that I am posting this comment in the correct area.

Three weeks ago I spent $30 for a vertical conversion kit for a 10 gallon all glass aquarium. I not only used the kit but got the hydroton balls, plants, and the climbing vine. (the whole sha bang!!)

I bought 3 chameleons off craigslist. All 3 died within a matter of 2 weeks.

After looking at my enclosure and talking with other members of this forum.......this tank is not structured for a pygmy chameleon. The 1 inch vent does not allow enough air to enter the enclosure. I wish I had done a little more research on this conversion kit.

The tank with the vertical conversion kit will be used to house some type of tiny frog or maybe breed my mantis.

As a result I got a 20 gallon tank. I added a layer of hydroton balls, eco-earth and gravel all mixed together. I used some type of material to separate layers. I then soaked the compressed coco brick. This was mixed with sphagnum moss and potting soil.

I will see how this enclosure works out. I should be getting WC pygmy chameleons by Friday of this week.
Always best to do your research and get everything set up BEFORE you purchase your pets. Sorry about your chameleons.
"All 3 died within a matter of 2 weeks". This does not sound to me like an enviornment issue. the 10 gallon might be ideal but how do you know this caused their deaths. my best guess is they were sick when you got them, but their could be many different issues. were they eating?
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