New Member
My 1st chameleon that got me in this hobby is the Senegel. I love him/her because he/she is an awesome sharpshooter when he wants to eat. Let's just say he never wants crickets anymore. I even left him with crickets in there for 4 days and that stubborn butt won't eat them anymore. I'm trying to breed Dubia's right now to give him something else, but seriously Dubia's are huge and he is only going to be able to eat really small ones. Currently he'll eat a superworm, but that isn't very healthy to eat that only. I put a silk worm in there and he wouldn't touch it. I left it in there for a say where the Pothos has a web of silk! The only thing he really attacks and eats within seconds is flies. Now after reading on here people say not to give him wild caught flies so I bought some from Mantisplace and they are just too small for him. Not sure how long it takes to get them bigger, but raising your own flies is a pain in the butt. And how nutrious can they be? My Panther cams eat anything and so does my Carpet, but my Senegel is a pain. I want to make sure he stays healthy and feeding him Supers is not going to cut it. Any suggestions? I would love to hear from people who actually have Senegels as a lot of Veiled and Panther owners do not realize how small these guys are, so options are really limited.