VHO lighting?

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New Member
Im about to start building a canopy for my chameleons enclosure. Its an open air iguanarium? cage that measures 36x48x18. I have a chinese rose Hibiscus in the cage that I need strong enough lighting during the long wisconsin winter. I am curious if anyone else uses VHO bulbs and what sort of configurations they are running. Some pros and cons I have been thinking are:

VHO bulbs can achieve full spectrum lighting
They generate heat which can be directed into the cage
They produce uv a,b,c as the cancer warnings on them indicate
can be used with dimmer/moon phase controllers.

some cons are, Id have to build it :p

Last winter I had the 5.0 florecent tube and a couple 100w sun glo/ day glo bulbs. Kinda wasnt enough and having tons of cords got annoying. So Im thinking a 2x VHO bulb 2x reg sockets for heat bulbs.

Send me some thoughts or If you are running VHO bulbs show me what you got.
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