vield or panther chamilion


New Member
hello everyone! im new to the site and glad to be here.
i love keeping reptiles and im about to add a chamilion. I almost have the enclosure setup to my likeing, and i enjoyed setting it up, looks really good. My local pet shop has veild and panther chamilions. i like what i read about both. like to hear from experienced cham keepers an what one is thier favorite.

just to let everyone know, i have a zoo med 16.5 x 16.5 x 32 mesh enclosure. i really like how i set up the interior, lots of jungle type fake plants, drilled holes into a nice thik stump and branch from the pet store and stuck the plants into it and twisted some of the exo terra vines all around, zig zaging from side to side and twisting up around each other on top to make a thik basking perch. held everything up with quike twisting of some wire around the frames. got repti carpet tinner, i like best for easy cleaning. a 5.o uvb, small basking lamp with multiple watt lights to test soon to make close to 90 basking spot, and im going to inclose the bottom part of the encloser to help hold in some humidity because here in alberta winter months humidity is pretty low. so another week or so of setting up and testing the environment should be ready for me to purchase.
Hey, welcome to the forum.

It really depends on your preference. As far as the enclosure it will be great for chameleon up to 7-8ish months old. Any older I would recommend an adult cage.
It does depend on your preference, panthers are more expensive than veileds because they're less common and way more color range, veileds tend to be the same pattern/color. They both require just about the same care, and they're basically the same in any other way.
i think im going with the vield do to the fact that my local pet store has them on order, and the panther is special order.
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