Vieled Breeding Questions (Please Help)


New Member
Hello.. I am Levi.. as many of you know i plan to be a veiled chameleon breeder, i will definatly not be doing this for another 8 or 9 months... even then ill most likely wait... Anyways I have Read Probably All Of Raisingkittytheveiledchameleon If not, ive read Lots of it.. :p

I still have some Questions..

How can i make and 'Incubation Medium'?

And can anyone inform me on EVERYTHING about incubation mediums, (Temps, What type Sand, Etc Etc Etc.)

How long will it take from when she lays her clutch, to when the babys first come out.. (Months, Weeks)

Im geussing Gravid means.. She is knocked up..? Wasnt to sure on that.. 'Gravid'

And if anyone knows any great sites i should look at, about breeding, or even just veiled chameleons, please do show me, and i will take a look :)


Yes Gravid means "knocked up"

Google Vield Cham Breeding. I am sure you will find something good.

Google has very reliable answers.

Thats where I found ALL of my information
I think a lot of questions would be answered by lots of reading like many other members have suggested to you. I am also new to chameleons (about a month now). I think your best bet is to focus on the success of the chameleon you have now. When you have learned everything about raising and caring for him the transition to breeding would probably be a lot smoother. There is a big list of links on this website located here:

I also read this book and it was helpful (and cheap):
1: You don't make it, you buy it.
2: I sure can!
3: 6 months to a year depending on temperatures and humidity and most importantly, how well you care for those eggs.
4: Yes.

Now I realize you are new and keen but:


You are driving everyone crazy with your repetitive questions. Now read those sites I've given you IN THEIR ENTIRETY! All of your questions will be answered in those sites as well as ones already given to you by other more tolerant members here.

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