They loaded ok for me on the computer, within the PDF.
This was very helpful. I am certain that Penne (now 1year old) suffered/suffers from Vit A deficiency and as a result has the blepharedema and debris / keratin buildup under the eyelids. Two trips to the vets, and a course of antibiotic eyedrops (and oral antibiotics) were not effective. Penne was given Repashy's LoD, along with the rest of the group, since she joined us in August. I took everyone off it in January, when Penne's issues began to develop (along with other mild behavior changes with the group). I have no idea if LoD is to blame, but the group gets a large variety of well gutloaded feeders, so LoD seemed like a good place to start.
Penne is easily stressed... and was seemingly breaking down during treatment. She would actually audibly squeal when I'd pick her up for treatment. She's so gentle and shy, it was heartbreaking to see her so traumatized. Once her course of antibiotics were over, I've mostly left her alone. She still has visible bulges/buildup in her eyes, but she is very content and active again. I'm going to start looking for another vet, who is experienced with eye issues. Of the 2 vets at my (well known exotics vet), neither really seemed to give it enough attention, IMO... and I am not comfortable with them performing removal (if they'd even recommend it).
Here’s a semi recent photo of Penne with what I suspect are eye issues due to vit a deficiency. (Mostly the buildup/bump in corner of her eyes, which i think is keratin buildup). In case someone stumbles upon this down the road...