vitamin schedule for juvi cham


New Member
I have recently bought a female juvenile jackson cham from petsmart. i was wondering on some input as to a vitamin schedule to use for her.
A good feeder insect gutload is the best way to get vitamins into the chameleon. Use a vitamin supplement just as a back-up, once a week or once every other week. Use a calcium supplement lightly dusted on every cricket (because they naturally have a poor calcium: phosph ratio). Use a calcium with D3 supplement once a week or so (depends on the brand of supplement you use).

You might like to check my blog entry:
where you will find a list of links related to supplements
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would you recommend Fluker's calcium diet and cricket quencher as a good gutload? i planned on using Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3.(which i would use once a week approx?). and something that is calcium with no vitamin d for daily dusting? sorry for all the questions just wanna get a good idea on a schedule to keep her healthy
I would be doing some serious research before implementing any supplementation with a Jackson's.
The montane species are much more sensitive to this.

would you recommend Fluker's calcium diet and cricket quencher as a good gutload? i planned on using Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3.(which i would use once a week approx?). and something that is calcium with no vitamin d for daily dusting? sorry for all the questions just wanna get a good idea on a schedule to keep her healthy

Personally, I am not a big fan of store bought supposed gutloads. I prefer to make my own. its not hard. Here are some links on gutloading:

Right, the Rep-Cal Phosphorous free Calcium withOUT Vit D3 can be used every day. Rep-Cal with Vit D3 once a week or once every other week will be perfect. Rep-Cal Herptivite once a week or once every other week. (I tend to do one Sunday with D3 and the next Sunday with Vitamins, to make it easy to remember).

I am assuming you are using a UVB light tube but are not taking your chameleon outside into real daylight. You wont need the D3 supplement at all if your chameleon gets real sun.
I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that jacksons liked a similar supplementation schedule to Panthers and Vieleds. Listen to BRAD not me!

this is her just in the aquarium i got for her temporarily till i can order my alum screen cage. She just started to shed today also.
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